Essential Meditation - receive invitations

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Essential Meditation is an effortless and profound meditation technique from the Vedic tradition (the scientific and spiritual tradition from ancient India). It is a spiritual technique that you practice easily while sitting. It takes you to the deepest possible waking rest, a state of inner comfort, of being completely at home in yourself.

At the same time, your body also gains a deep rest that allows it to free itself from residues of incompletely processed experiences.

As a result, you begin to feel better, strength and refinement increase in all areas of your life, and your creativity spontaneously starts to flow more strongly.

Regular practice of Essential Meditation triggers powerful development, from the depths of your being, in all aspects of your daily life.

There is a light that shines beyond all earthly things, beyond the highest, beyond the supreme realms. That is the light that shines in your heart. Chandogya Upanishad, 3.13.7

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